B.E., Ph.D




Publications and awards

  • Flow Dynamics and Deposition Kinetics in Pulsed-Transition-Regime Chemical Vapor Deposition, PhD Thesis (2008)
  • TEC Top Achiever Scholarship
  • NASA Best Student Paper Award

Hadley's Story

I came from Invercargill and did my undergraduate BE Hons in Mechanical Engineering at Canterbury. My final year project involved developing a phase separator for the vapor/liquid exhaust of a small Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cell. Small is important here because the exhaust tubes are only a couple of mm diameter. My team came up with several good ideas and built them and tested them out. Dr. Krumdieck was the team supervisor. At some meeting she said, "hey, I'll bet nobody has ever actually modelled the pressure drop in small tubes with liquid and bubbles." I took this as a challenge, and did a lot of literature search to find a model. I only found a model for glass tubes from a 1960's PhD thesis in the USA. The glass tube behaviour was a lot different than what we were seeing in plastic tubes (did they even have plastic in the 1960's?) and so I worked on developing an analytical model of pinned two phase capillary flow.  We got experimental data to fit to my model, and we published the results in a paper in the IMechE!  That really turned me onto the idea of research, and after my OE I contacted Dr. Krumdieck to see if she had any interesting modelling work in her research that I might do a PhD on. Did she ever. We worked on modelling again, something nobody else has modelled before, and I ended up becoming a computer borg.



Dr. Mark Jermy

Dr. Susan Krumdiek


Vice Chancellors Academic Scholarship

FRST Research Gratnt

Hadley Cave

Hadley Cave

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